Benefits of Spay and Neuter in Port St. Lucie, FL
Do you have a pet? Are you trying to decide whether or not you should spay or neuter your furry friend? Is this procedure really necessary for a pet who will be kept indoors?
Spaying and neutering are very crucial procedures and should be performed on any pet, regardless of indoor or outdoor status, as long as the veterinarian okays it.
However, you may be wondering what makes spay and neuter procedures worthwhile. If so, read through the list of benefits below to find out more. If you still have questions, call the Veterinary Medical Center of St. Lucie County at (772) 337-8570.
Spaying pets prevents the risk of unwanted litters and helps control pet overpopulation. When your female pet is spayed, she will not be able to become pregnant anymore. This means she won’t carry or deliver any unwanted or unexpected litters and will therefore not contribute to the problem of overpopulation of all pets across the globe.
Your female pet can be spayed before her first heat in most instances. Some vets may recommend waiting, depending on your pet’s individual health considerations, but most agree that it’s best to spay early. If your pet is already an adult, however, she can still be spayed—speak with your vet for more information.
Spaying cuts down on the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer. Spaying your female pet can cut down on her risk of breast cancer as well as other breast conditions such as mastitis. Your pet will not be at a high risk of benign mammary tumors when she is spayed at an early age, either.
Some types of spaying remove the ovaries, some remove the uterus, and some remove both. Depending on the type of spay procedure your pet undergoes, she may have the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer reduced or eliminated altogether. You can help keep your female pet healthier by ensuring she is spayed.
Neutering cuts down on the risk of prostate cancer and eliminates the risk of testicular cancer.
A male pet who is neutered will enjoy a reduced risk of prostate cancer throughout the rest of his life. Especially when neutered at an early age, male pets are much less likely to develop cancer of the prostate when they are neutered versus when they are left intact.
Additionally, since the testicles are removed entirely during the neutering process, male pets are unable to contract testicular cancer after they have been neutered. Since testicular cancer is unfortunately very prevalent in some animals and some breeds. This can be an effective way to ensure your pet does not suffer this disease.
Neutering helps with aggression and roaming behaviors in some instances.
Some male pets may become aggressive and territorial as they get older if they are left intact. This is due to their desire to breed and create their own territory, which is instinctive for them. By neutering your male pet, you can cut down on this behavior, although it may not go away entirely depending on the pet in question.
Some male pets may also start to roam or try to run away from home when they reach maturity. This is because they are driven to look for a mate. If your pet is neutered, he will not want to find a mate and will be much more likely to stay comfortably at home.
Both spaying and neutering help pets calm down.
Many pets may be hyper, overly energetic, aggressive, or hard to handle whether they are male or female. When your pet is spayed or neutered, however, this behavioral problem usually wanes, and pets tend to calm down over the months following the spay or neuter procedure.
It’s important to remember, however, that many pets have behavioral problems aside from simply a need to be neutered or spayed. Your pet may not have perfect behavior after spaying or neutering, so be ready to work with a trainer or vet if necessary too.
Both spaying and neutering prevent unnecessary vet bills associated with breeding. If your female pet is left intact and becomes pregnant, you will have vet bills involved in her pregnancy and delivery as well as the raising of the new litter.
You will also have vet bills if you choose to have the litter aborted. Male pets who are left intact may get into fights more often and require vet treatment as well.
All of these vet bills and health concerns for your pet can be avoided entirely by having your pet spayed or neutered at the right age. Talk with your vet for more information.
There may be even more benefits you and your family can enjoy when you have your pet spayed or neutered at the right time. Talk with your vet for more information about when to spay or neuter your pet and whether or not this decision is right for you. Call us today at (772) 337-8570.